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Lesson 20 The Spring Festival Is Coming! 教学设计

2023年12月25日 16:18:55 访问量:5745 作者:刘赫烜

Lesson 20 The Spring Festival Is Coming!

鹿泉区实验小学   刘赫烜


本单元进一步扩展与旅行相关的知识、语言和技能。Jenny Danny 来到了中国,对中国的景点、节日和文化都有了一定的了解。本课主要内容是李明向他们介绍中国最重大的节日春节,所以容易引起学生的兴趣,在教学中也容易产生共鸣和互动。通过本课的学习,不仅能增进学生对传统文化的认识,还能培养学生交流文化的能力。




1. 学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写以下单词:room, door, window, make, kid

2. 学生认读、理解并运用句型What do you do for the Spring Festival?简单描述关于春节做的事情。

3. 学生能够通过对中国传统节日--春节的学习,感受到传统文化的底蕴,更加热爱我国文化。

4. 学生能够通过小组讨论表演和互评方式积极主动的去进行口语练习,慢慢培养自己的英语思维及互助学习能力





Class Opening and review

1. Greeting:

S: Good morning, teacher!

T:Good morning, students! 

T: Today we will learn a new lesson---Lesson 20

2. Game:

T: A festival is coming after some days. Do you know what is it?

S: Its New Years Day.

T: When is it?

S: Its on January 1st.

T: We have learned some festivals. Do you remember them? Look!

(Showing some pictures and review the festivals.)


New concepts

1. Pictures about the Spring Festival.

T: Do you want to know what's my favorite festival? Listen! (The music of the Spring Festival.)  Yes! The Spring Festival. It also named the Chinese New Year. Do you know when is the Spring Festival in 2024? Its on February 10th. What do you do for the Spring Festival?(可用汉语)I can do these things for the Spring Festival.


2. Asking question about the Spring Festival.

T: What do you do for the Spring Festival?

S: ......

These are some activities what we do for the Spring Festival.

(1) We buy new clothes.

I like to wear new clothes. I think all the girls like to do it. So when I buy new clothes for the Spring Festival. Im very happy. Now lets read this sentence.

S: We buy new clothes.

(2) We clean our rooms. We clean the doors, the windows and the floor.

T: Secondly, we should make our house clean and beautiful, yes?

S: Yes!

T: Now lets see this picture. This is the door. This is the window. Write with me, w-i-n-d-o-w, window. Heres the floor. All of these are in the room. This line read room one by one.

(设计意图:将学习内容放在情境中,让学生对于本课的三个重点单词door, window, room 进行多方式练习,把学习的主动权教给学生)

(3) We make dumplings.

T: Lets go on. What do I do for the Spring Festival? Lets see. We make dumplings. You know dumplings, it's our Chinese food. Its delicious. And what's the meaning of "make dumplings"?

S: ... (And then show the picture of "make dumplings".)

T: Now look at these words: cake, lake, take. Try to read---make. Lets act and read. 


(4) We visit our family and friends.

T:This is a rest on the Spring Festival. So we can visit our family and friends. Pay attention to the word visit. Do you know why we visit our family and friends? Lets see! (出示拜年的解释)Now lets read this sentence.


(5) Kids get lucky monkey.

T:  Oh, this is your favorite part! You can get lucky money. Do you know lucky money? (Show the picture of it.) Do you know the meaning of lucky money?(出示压岁钱的解释) Can everyone get lucky money?

S: NO!

T: Why? Ok. Look at this picture. Whats this? Its a kid. Show the picture of kid and then kids

T: Okay, now let's read the sentence.

2. Read the five sentences together.

T: Now we know what do I do for the Spring Festival. Let's read these sentences together, okay?

S: Okay...

T:Now who want to put these cards on the blackboard and read it?


3. Practice: (1)Listen to the text.

             (2)Exercise in pairs and show.


4. Take out your paper and fill in the blanks.


5. Actgroup work)

T: During the Spring Festival we can do many things. Now four students in one group. One ask and others answer. I will give you 5 minutes. Lets go!


6. Homework

1.Talk about what do you do for the Spring Festival with your friends.

2. Read and translate the story of Nian to your parents(P89).  (选做)


Class Closing

There are some interesting things we can do for the Spring Festival. Lets look! 

Class is over. Thank you!

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