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Unit6 Do you like bananas?

2022年11月09日 10:18:36 访问量:7879
Unit6  Do you like bananas?








学 时 数

The 1st period (Section A 1a2d)




1. Learn to talk about likes and dislikes

2. Learn food names

3. Learn to concerned with others, formed a close friendship with others.


1         New words: like, banana, hamburger, tomato, broccoli, French fries, orange, ice, cream, salad, strawberry, pear, have,

2         Sentence Patterns:

Do you like salad?

     No, I dont./ Yes, I do.

     Does he like pears?

     Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt.

He/ She likes.

He/She doesnt like.


Do you like salad?

     No, I dont./ Yes, I do.

     Does he like pears?

     Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt.

He/ She likes.

He/She doesnt like.








备  注


I. Warming-up and revision

1 Say something about the answers to the English Papers and the Exercises. Ask the Ss to pay attention to what mistakes they have made.

2 Ask some of them to read 3a on page 29 from memory.

3. T: What’s this? ( It’s a soccer ball.)

      Can you use this word make sentences?

    Ss: Do you have a soccer ball?

       I have a soccer ball.

       Let’s play soccer.


       I like playing soccer. I don’t like playing soccer.





II. Presentation

Step 1.

T: Are you free this Sunday?

Ss: Yes.

T: Well, let’s go to KFC.

Ss: That sounds interesting/fun…

T: In KFC, there are much food (Show pictures of food) , what do you like?

Ss: I like …

   Step 2.

T: What ’s this?

S: It’s a hamburger.

T: What are they?

S: They’re hamburgers.

T: Do you like hamburgers?

S: Yes./  No, I don’t like

(Tell Ss the short answer: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. )

3. Using the same way to teach other words.

  Show the followings on the Bb.

1Learning the new words: Food of the section by showing slides.

   2Read and try to remember them within 15 minutes.

3. Talk about the Ss’ favorite food.

4. The use of countable and uncountable nouns.

5. Do Part 2c

III. Chatting

T: In KFC, I like apple pie. It’s very delicious. Do you like apple pie? (Yes./ No) There are many pies, which pies do you like?  (banana pie, strawberry pie, orange pie)

T: What ’s this?

S: It’s a /an ….(banana, orange, strawberry)

T: What are they?

S: They’re …. (bananas, oranges, strawberries)

IV. Healthy food

T: Apple, banana… these fruit can make us keep healthy. Vegetables also can make us healthy. So I like broccoli. Broccoli is uncountable.

T: Do you known tomato is a fruit or vegetable.(Vegetable)

  Write them on Bb





V. Practice 

1. T: Do you like …( broccoli , tomatoes)   Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

2. 1a Ask one student to read the words

Match the words with the things in the picture.

3. 1b Listen to the tape.

4 1c Pairwork do as 1b

5 2a Ask one student to read the words. Circle the food you hear.

2b Listen again. Fill with the blank. Then read the conversation.

VI. Pairwork

Make a conversation as Part 2b

Ask the Ss to act.












VII. Homework

Copy the new words

Make a conversation with your partner as Part 1b







II. Presentation

Step 1.

T: Are you free this Sunday?

Ss: Yes.

T: Well, let’s go to KFC.

Ss: That sounds interesting/fun…

T: In KFC, there are much food (Show pictures of food) , what do you like?

Ss: I like …

   Step 2.

T: What ’s this?

S: It’s a hamburger.

T: What are they?

S: They’re hamburgers.

T: Do you like hamburgers?

S: Yes./  No, I don’t like

(Tell Ss the short answer: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. )

3. Using the same way to teach other words.

  Show the followings on the Bb.

1Learning the new words: Food of the section by showing slides.

   2Read and try to remember them within 15 minutes.

3. Talk about the Ss’ favorite food.

4. The use of countable and uncountable nouns.

5. Do Part 2c

III. Chatting

T: In KFC, I like apple pie. It’s very delicious. Do you like apple pie? (Yes./ No) There are many pies, which pies do you like?  (banana pie, strawberry pie, orange pie)

T: What ’s this?

S: It’s a /an ….(banana, orange, strawberry)

T: What are they?

S: They’re …. (bananas, oranges, strawberries)

IV. Healthy food

T: Apple, banana… these fruit can make us keep healthy. Vegetables also can make us healthy. So I like broccoli. Broccoli is uncountable.

T: Do you known tomato is a fruit or vegetable.(Vegetable)

  Write them on Bb





V. Practice 

1. T: Do you like …( broccoli , tomatoes)   Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

2. 1a Ask one student to read the words

Match the words with the things in the picture.

3. 1b Listen to the tape.

4 1c Pairwork do as 1b

5 2a Ask one student to read the words. Circle the food you hear.

2b Listen again. Fill with the blank. Then read the conversation.

VI. Pairwork

Make a conversation as Part 2b

Ask the Ss to act.












VII. Homework

Copy the new words

Make a conversation with your partner as Part 1b






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