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Jenny’s House 教学设计

2022年01月05日 10:42:16 访问量:1194 作者:成若男

冀教版 六年级上册

Lesson 2Jenny’s House

    本节课是冀教版六年级上Unit 1 Lesson 2 My House的内容。学生已学过一些房间的名称。这一课主要是围绕Jenny家里的各类房间,如study, kitchenliving roombedroom and bathroom及一些常见的生活用品和家具toiletfridgeTV, sofa, table, bed等展开的话题。这些东西都是学生们非常熟悉而且和我们生活息息相关的,学生也会乐于学。
1. 语言知识:
2)句型:There be句型
2. 语言技能:
3. 情感态度
重点:能运用There be句型进行简单的描述。

Warm up
Free talk.

S: Where do you live?

 T: I live in an apartment.

TI think many Chinese people live in an apartment, but also many people live in houses. Now let’s see some beautiful houses.

New Concepts

T: Look at this house. It’s a lovely house. Can you guess whose house it is?

S: It’s Jenny’s house.

T: Bingo. Write house on the blackboard, teach the pronunciation of “au” . Show the houses I made it. 

S: This is a house.

T: Let’s go to Jenny’s house. First, listen and answer the questions:

How many bedrooms are there in Jenny’s house?

How many floors (楼层) are there in Jenny’s house?

S: There are four bedrooms in Jenny’s house.

S2: There are two floors.

T: Yes, two floors. (Teach floor using the card and PPT. Show the first floor and the second floor) How many floors are there in this office building?

S: There are four floors. We are on the second floor.

This time listen and imitate, then answer the questions:

How many rooms are there on the first floor? What are they ?

How many rooms are there on the second floor? What are they ?

T: Jenny’s house is big. There are eight rooms. Let’s go inside and have a look.

T: Which room do you want to go?

S: I want to go to room 1. 

T: What’s this?

S: It’s a bed.

T: What room is it?

S: It’s a bedroom. (write bedroom on the blackboard)

T: Do you have a bedroom?

S: Yes, I do.

T: What’s in your bedroom?

S: There is a bed/a lamp /a closet in my bedroom. Xx, what’s in your bedroom?

S2: There is a mirror and some flowers in my bedroom.

T: A beautiful bedroom. Let’s go on. Which room do you want to go?

S: I want to go to room 2. (for example)

T: (PPT) A living room. This is a living room. What can you do in the living room?

S: I can watch TV in the living room.

T: Which program do you like best?

S: Cartoons./Films...

T: What’s your favourite cartoon character?

S: …

T: What else can you do in the living room?

S: I can sit on the sofa/read the newspaper/play checkers with my father/talk with my friends on the phone…

T: There is another name of living room. We call it sitting room. They are the same.

T: Let’s go on. Which room do you want to go?

S: I want to go to room 3.

T: (PPT) A bathroom. The weather is so hot. I need to take a bath in the…

S: Bathroom.

拓展take a bath take a shower 的区别,用图展示bathtub shower

T: Do you like to take a bath or take a shower? What else do we need in the bathroom? We need it everyday, so it is a toilet (pay more attention about the pronunciation ) Practice toilet one by one.

T: Guess, which room is it? Your mother always cooks there.

S: It is kitchen. (write ki and chen on the blackboard then write t, tell students t is silent )

T: Who cooks in the kitchen?

S: My mother or my father.

T: What’s in the kitchen?

S: There is a pot/frying pan/flour/eggs/milk/butter…

T: Look, what is it? There are many books in it.(show ppt用猜图片的方式,遮住一部分,让学生猜study)

T: Right. It is the study.

Chant: (齐说)Study, study, what’ s in the study?

(一个人说)Books, books, there are many books in the study.

(齐说)Study, study, what’ s in the study?

(一个人说)Bookcase, bookcase, there is a bookcase in the study. …

T: Look at the blackboard , can you say something about Jenny’s house?

S: This is Jenny’s house, there is a …

T: Show me your paper part 2 Look and write. You can write more sentences.


T: We visited Jenny’s house just now. Can you show us your house or your apartment? Talk in pairs and then show us. First I will show you my home. Look! 

S1: Here’s my house\apartment, come in, please! I’ll show you the rooms in my house\apartment. (Welcome to my apartment!) This is the... It’s big/small/ beautiful. There is ... in it. It is … (colour). I ... in the ...


Miss Song bought a new apartment. Please help her to design the apartment. (you can get the furniture with your star. )



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