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Unit3Could you please clean your room SectionB 2a-2d

2023年03月13日 10:51:38 访问量:9586 作者:谢友友

Read the first letter,finish the following questions.(T or F)

  1. Kids have a little stress from school.(  )   
  2. 2.Kids have no time to study and do housework.(  )
  3. They should spend time studying.(  )     

4.There isn`t need for parents to do housework and chores now.(  )

5.It is the parent`s job to provide their kids with a clean and comfortable environment.(  )



listen to the tape and fill in blanks

Ms. Miller says: Kids these days already have enough ______ from school. They do not have time to study and do _________, too. Housework is a ____________. They should _____ their time on schoolwork __________ get good grades and ________ a good university. It is the parents’ job to ________ a clean and comfortable environment at home for their children.




Read the second letter,finish the following questions.

  1. What is important for children according to Mr.Smith?    

2.Who do children depend on too much?

3.What shoud everyone do at home?                      

4.What are the advantages(优点) about doing chores?

5.The ______kids learn to be independent, The _______it is for their future.




Mr. Smith says: It is important ___ children to learn how to do chores and ____ their parents with __________. Children these days _________ their parents too much.  Doing chores helps to _______ children’s ____________ and teaches them how to ________ themselves.

It also helps them to understand the idea of _______. They should know that everyone should do their ____ in _______ it clean and tidy. _________ kids learn to be independent, ________ it is for their future. 





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